Covid-19: People with disabilities have waited long enough


Its a question of life or death

Since the start of the Covid-19 crisis, our governments have announced and adopted exceptional measures.

As soon as our governments saw that the pandemic was gaining ground, they injected additional budgets for a considerable number of situations, including an emergency fund, in order to compensate for the loss of income of millions of Canadians and Quebecers. .es who had just lost their jobs and to SMEs whose turnover was declining due to the Coronavirus.

Our governments have also quickly recognized the remarkable contribution of workers working in essential sectors (health care, grocery stores, pharmacies, public security services, etc.) and have decreed the adoption of wage bonuses.

Then, on March 26, we learned that all Quebec beneficiary attendants will receive a significant increase which will reach $ 21 / hour.

All Quebec beneficiary attendants? No ! Those working to provide home care, particularly for people with disabilities. have been forgotten.

As if the MSSS did not recognize the essential work that these women and men do! It is as if the MSSS did not realize the extreme importance and the urgency of keeping these “no less important guardian angels” in place with their beneficiaries.

If our employees of the employment service check do not receive this salary increase, they will leave us to work elsewhere. There is no shortage of vacancies in the health system today!
exclaims Steven Laperrière, D.G. of RAPLIQ.

They are highly qualified and if people with disabilities lose their attendants, even if the CLSC officials and the MSSS say that they will not leave us without service, people with disabilities will have to give training again in order to be treated according to their specific needs. Said Linda Gauthier, president of the organization.

It is exhausting and humiliating to have to explain again the gestures and manipulations necessary for the care that these attendants must lavish on us. It’s an issue of dignity! We must keep our attendants, but to do this, they must receive a salary increase similar to that of attendants working in the hospital environment and in residence
reminds Madame Gauthier.

Moreover, since the very beginning of the crisis, the RAPLIQ has challenged the government of François Legault and more particularly the MSSS.

We were the first and the only ones to do so. This is why we support the MEMO-QC press release.

The RAPLIQ requires that the attendants of beneficiaries of the Service Employment Check (CES) receive a salary increase equivalent to that decreed on March 26.

We cannot wait any longer. Its a question of life or death…
cries Linda Gauthier saddened.


For info:

Linda Gauthier, President
514 656-1664

Steven Laperrière, Managing Director
514 836-6376


The RAPLIQ is an organization dedicated to defending and promoting the rights of people with disabilities and aiming to eradicate the discrimination often made against them.