Press release: S.O.S. For the Commission (on human and youth rights) Access to justice for the most disadvantaged is compromised

The RAPLIQ reaction

Montreal, Monday, March 19, 2018 – Following the recent events that have shaken the Human Rights and Youth Commission (CDPDJ), the RAPLIQ, which is well aware of the workings of this organization, wishes to express its point of view.

We believe that, as in any paragovernmental body, those in authority are above suspicion.

The last event is troubling.

The Commission is subject to numerous scandals. Lack of staff, delay in the causes, an investigation into systemic racism which does not seem to lead anywhere and which does not seem to be aimed at people with disabilities who nevertheless live daily, an internal crisis, the departure of his President as an illness and now a questionable appointment to the interim of this presidency means that the credibility of the Commission is in deficit.

Over the past few years, these events have tainted the credibility of this body.

The net result of all of this work is that citizens who are victims of discrimination will no longer be inclined, or rather, will be hesitant to trust their institution, which is so essential for defending people who are victims of racism, ableism (ableism) and any other factor of oppression and discrimination. In general, these victims are often the poorest in society.

We at RAPLIQ often work with the Commission. We are able to assess and confirm that the Commission is the last bulwark against systemic discrimination which is still very much present in our society. The role it assumes is essential for people who are often speechless and without the means to defend themselves. The Commission is our access to justice

We send a heartfelt cry to the appropriate authorities to rectify the situation regarding the Chair of the Commission so that it regains its credibility in order to restore public confidence in it.



For info :

Linda Gauthier Steven Laperrière
(514) 656-1664
Vice President
(514) 836-6376