Become a member

Member of RAPLIQ

RAPLIQ’s members campaign for the inclusion of people with disabilities’ rights in Québec. Members subscribe to our Manifesto and undertake to promote it in their community.

If you wish to become a member, please write to us at [email protected], complete and return the paper form available in Word format (docx) or fill out the web form available on this page.

The amount of the annual subscription is a contribution of 5 dollars.

You can send a check payable to RAPLIQ


Make an Interac transfer by email to [email protected]

Answer : RAPLIQ (capital letters)

Membership card

If we have your membership number on file, consider your membership card renewed for the year.

If you are already a member but have lost your card, please contact us.

Thank you for your collaboration !

You have any questions ?

Contact Us

Membership form

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